On Monday, River, a 9-month-old pup who is the companion of Steve Anthony, who is homeless, was hit by a car on Douglas Boulevard in Granite Bay, Sacremento. The driver didn't stop.
Another driver, Jennifer Martin, saw the injured dog and a distressed Anthony and stopped to help. She and her husband took them to Atlantic Street Veterinary Hospital Pet Emergency Center.
It was determined River had a fractured pelvis and other broken bones.
Martin put out a plea on Facebook and just a few hours later, several thousand dollars in donations had poured in to pay for River's care.
Atlantic Pet Hospital officials said they have raised more than $9,000.
"Thank you all you save two lives on this one," Anthony said.
River underwent a 2-hour hip surgery where they implanted a metal plate and screws to stabilize his pelvis.
The pet hospital said River should recover in six to eight weeks with rehabilitation.
Anthony said he has received job offers as well as a place to stay from several people. He said he plans to move to Roseville to pursue a brighter future.